
The NP4K team can also work with you and your family privately to both help with challenging issues or promote health, wellbeing and fun.
1 on 1 Counselling
Several of the NP4K team ar trained counsellors and are available for individual or family sessions. See the counselling page for more details.
Why not have your next party outside? You provide the food, we’ll provide the entertainment for this unique birthday party experience.
Family days
If you’re looking for something different to do as a family, book the team for a two or three hour private session and have our undivided attention!
Use the contact page to explore what private event you would like to book the NP4K team for.
The Programs
Nature Play 4 Kids is a way of integrating nature based activities into student and family life to enhance wellbeing. As such, these is no ‘one’ NP4K program – everything is shaped to your needs.
However, we have put together a number of ideas that give you an idea of what your NP4K program might look like.
Browse the NP4K programs below.