The Team

The NP4K team is led by Matt Glover of MGA Counselling Services and Forest Therapy Victoria

Matt has worked with children and teenagers for over 25 years in a variety of capacities in schools and community health organisations. He loves the experience of watching curiosity and creativity sparked in young people as they reconnect with nature. 

The NP4K team will expand over the coming months and will be comprised of people with teaching, outdoor education and child development qualifications. 

Basically, a bunch of people that are all smarter and more talented than Matt. This will ensure your young person has the best experience possible!

Visit the What’s Involved page to find out more about the program itself. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Matt Glover
Team Leader

Full bio coming soon.

Gail Ackroyd
Program Leader

Full bio coming soon.

Rachael Cotra
Program Leader

Full bio coming soon.