Mental Health in Nature

Mental Health in Nature

In this incursion, students will participate in a number of activities to promote positive mental health and wellbeing. Students will learn the importance of making space to deliberately care for their emotional and mental wellbeing. Combining mindfulness, creativity and play, this program is both fun and good for you at the same time!

Duration:  90 minutes

Year Level: P-6

Cost: $330 for schools (GST incl).

Notes on cost:

  • For schools a minimum of two sessions is required for booking the NP4K team.
  • Other organisations, please contact NP4K for a quote.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will practice personal and social skills to interact positively with others
  • Students will understand how being in nature can promote positive wellbeing
  • Students will begin to recognise situations and opportunities to promote health, safety and wellbeing

Sample Activities:

  • Tuning the senses
  • Foraging
  • Nature art activity
  • Barefoot walking
  • Sound mapping

Australian Curriculum: Content Descriptors

Our incursions link to the cross-curriculum priority of sustainability and to the learning areas of Literacy, Science, Health & Physical Education and Visual Arts. General capabilities, of critical and creative thinking and personal and social capability, are also embedded.

For a detailed list of curriculum standards addressed at particular year levels, please contact us via email.